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Zero Trust Framework

With the Remote Workforce of today and everything all going virtual, having the proper levels of authentication mechanisms in place becomes of great importance.  Many businesses have tried to adopt the Two Factor Authentication (2FA) approach, but this has proved to be unsuccessful thus far.

So, they have turned to what is known as “MultiFactor Authentication”, or “MFA” for short, in which at least three or more layers of authentication must be involved.  But even with this in place, the Cyberattacker is still able to break through.

What is the next option?  It is known as the “Zero Trust Framework”, or the “ZTF”.  In this kind of authentication model, absolutely nobody can be trusted in either the internal or external environment of your business.  These even includes the employees that have been with you the longest.

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20 Danada Square West, Suite 245
Wheaton, IL 60189

100 Illinois Street, Suite 200
St. Charles, Illinois 60174


Ravi Das, Business Development Specialist
Office: 630-318-4857
Mobile: 630-802-8605
Efax: 888-356-8305


7600 Chevy Chase Drive, Suite 300
Austin, TX  78752